Thursday, June 2, 2011

J's CDSA evaluation is finally in...

Well it has now been a week since I wrote anything here.  Time has been slipping away from me.  Well that and I feel like 'why am I doing this blog anyway?'  Is anybody even reading this?  But I will carry on for now at least...

So I got my hands on a copy of J's evaluation report completed by the CDSA.  It was very thorough and professional and we agree with what it states.

They did the following evaluations:

Battelle Developmental Inventory, 2nd Edition

Childhood Autism Rating Scale (C.A.R.S.)

Preschool Language Scale IV

Clinical Observation of Functional Communication Skills

What did they find?

Well overall they saw pretty much the same things we see from day to day.  They obviously took our concerns and information into consideration and also expressed those in the report.

Battelle Developmental Inventory, 2nd Edition
~Adaptive  (Self Care & Personal Responsibility) - Mild Developmental Delay
~Personal/Social  (Adult Interaction, Peer Interaction, Self Concept & Social Role) - Significant Developmental Delay
~Communication (Receptive & Expressive) -  Significant Developmental Delay
~Motor (Gross, Fine & Perceptual) - Average
~Cognitive (Attention, Memory, Reasoning, Academic Skills, Perception & Concepts) - Mild Developmental Delay

Childhood Autism Rating Scale (C.A.R.S.)
We completed this screening tool together based on the Psychologist's interpretation of the questions/choices.  The possible score range is anywhere from 15-60 with 15 being normal (non-autistic) and 60 being severely autistic.  The 'cutoff' score for autism is 30.  We came up with a 35 which falls right on the threshold of mild or moderately autistic.  His highest elevations were verbal communication, listening response, visual response, activity level & relating to people.

 Preschool Language Scale IV
Auditory Comprehension - rated him at 1 year, 6 months (or 18 months)
Expressive Communication - rated him at 1 year, 9 months (or 21 months)
Total Language Score - rated him at 1 year, 7 months (or 19 months)

 Clinical Observation of Functional Communication Skills
Speech Sound Production - Delayed (limited for forming words)
Oral Motor Skills - Within Normal Limits
Voice - Within Normal Limits
Fluency - Within Normal Limits  *I don't agree with this one
Pragmatics - Atypical (delayed social communication skills)
 - They also noted below normal eye contact as well.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Another update...

So I requested a copy of B's Speech Evaluation and what did I find out?  He was diagnosed with a Developmental Speech Disorder and an Expressive Language Disorder.

So what does all that mean?

Well for the first part - the Developmental Speech Disorder - this includes a severe articulation & phonological delay.  According to the results of the assessment he is off the charts on the low end.  His score was equivalent to skills of a child between less than 2.6 years old to less than 2.9 years old.

As for the second part - the Expressive Language Disorder - this includes a mild language delay.  On this part of the assessment, the scoring is broken between basically 'receptive' and 'expressive' language use.  For receptive language abilities, he was just a few months delayed from his actual age.  For the expressive language abilities, he was a year and a few months delayed from his actual age. 

It is SO wild to be able to know what you are working with.  It helps me to understand how to approach our method of homeschooling for the upcoming school year - Kindergarten!

I also should have added that the SLP (Speech Language Pathologist) said, "he has excellent potential to reach his goals."  So that is very encouraging.  I do believe it will take some time though to reach all of the goals that they have for us.  At least we have the plan in place and now can move forward on that.

We are also still awaiting the written report from our Evaluation for Jase last week at the CDSA.  Once we have that we can start his speech therapy.  We are also waiting to get him an Occupational Therapy evaluation to see where to go from there...

So I am thankful that the boys checked out healthy yesterday at everyone's well visit.  Also, the great news is that we are now established with our new doctor and can work on getting the appropriate referrals that we need.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

More thoughts about J's evaluation last week...

So it has almost been a week now since J's evaluation.  I have to admit, when we first walked out of there, we both felt a huge relief about it all.  I guess it was relieving just to hear the positive input instead of wondering all of the possibilities.

Where do I stand now?

Well kind of in the same place as before.  I still have concerns about apraxia of speech and/or autism spectrum disorder.  I already know he has sensory processing disorder/sensory integration disorder.  We will have our IFSP set in place after today.  That is our plan of action.  That is our therapy decisions put into action.

I think we are going to take J (and eventually B too) to a place in Carthage called 'Moore Pediatric Therapy'.  I haven't been able to find ANY information about them at all.  That is difficult for me to accept honestly.  I am the type who wants to know as much as possible before we get involved with something.  I guess I am just going to have to hope and pray for the best here.  It is the closest and most convenient location we could take him.

Our schedule has changed quite a bit this week already.  Here is the latest:

Today - IFSP meeting with CDSA Coodinator
Tomorrow - *cancelled B's Speech*  scheduled well visits for both B & J at their primary care provider to discuss our concerns and have ourselves 'grounded' in our home location
Thursday - *had to reschedule B's Initial Autism Appt due to scheduling mistake on their behalf*
Baby Z still has his well visit that day though
Friday - B's Speech Therapy

Praise the Lord for his provisions - I surely need my share of patience and understanding this week!

Friday, May 20, 2011

First day of speech for B & other thoughts...

So B had his first day of speech today.  :)  It seemed to go okay.  I am looking forward to next week when we can get a copy of his goals and some things to work on at home - homework!

I guess the only complaint that I have is driving to Pinehurst for a 30 minute session and then turning right back around and driving home.  It takes us 30 minutes to get there so we are literally on the road twice as long as the speech session.  When you factor in that I have two little guys who don't like riding in their carseats...  Well that can be a very ugly situation.  Let's hope it doesn't come to that most of the time.  We will be going two days a week - Wednesdays & Fridays for this particular therapy.


So for other news...

I got to speak with our Child Development Service Coordinator (for J) today.  :)
She is very nice and seems very enthusiastic about helping us get started right away.

We will meet with her on Tuesday to set up our Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP).  She has some great resources and ideas.  I can't wait to get this all planned and under way.


So looking into next week we have a busy week...

Tuesday - Meet Coordinator to set IFSP
Wednesday - Speech for B
Thursday - Check-up for Z, Initial Appt for B's Autism Spectrum Evaluation
Friday - Speech for B

And it will just get even busier when we add in J's therapy sessions, swimming lessons for B & Zoo Classes for B too.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Well I am so glad we decided to go in to the CDSA for the evaluation today.  I couldn't be more pleased with the two people we worked with.  They were very friendly and very knowledgeable - we really couldn't have asked for anything more.

We are awaiting their official report but I think the sum of it will be to refer us to an occupational therapist who will assess and address any sensory processing issues and/or motor skills.  We will also receive a referral to a speech/language pathologist who will address his lack-of-speech skills.

One of the evaluators was a speech/language pathologist who said she was quite certain he didn't have apraxia of speech.  That is obviously a great relief to us as well.

We will be able to receive in-home services through the summer (Thank You Lord!).  Both of the evaluators expressed that they felt confident that he would start improving very quickly.  I can do nothing but Praise Him for this.  My faith grew even stronger today.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

J's First Evaluation Tomorrow

So tomorrow is finally almost here.   So many times I have questioned whether to go through this particular evaluation or not.  I think my 'need to know something' has won this battle.  They should be able to confirm/deny if he could benefit from early intervention services.  I am not expecting any definitive answers.  I am only expecting a 'yes, we believe there are developmental delays'.

Only the good Lord knows what will play out tomorrow.  I trust in his guidance and protection throughout the process.  I know he can and will see us through this.

Looking forward to being able to update tomorrow...